
Sonosco provides convenient access to ROS1 server functionality. To run ROS on your machine:

  1. Make sure that roscore is running
  2. Run your server. Now all subscribers specified in config will be listening for incoming requests.
with SonoscoROS1(CONFIG) as server:

Example of config:

    'node_name': 'roboy_speech_recognition',
    'workers': 5,
    'subscribers': [
            'name': 'recognition',
            'topic': '/roboy/cognition/speech/recognition',
            'service': RecognizeSpeech,
            'callback': custom_callback,

            'name': 'recognition_german',
            'topic': '/roboy/cognition/speech/recognition/german',
            'service': RecognizeSpeech,
    'publishers': [
            'name': 'ledmode',
            'topic': '/roboy/control/matrix/leds/mode',
            'message': ControlLeds,
            'kwargs': {
                'queue_size': 3

            'name': 'ledoff',
            'topic': '/roboy/control/matrix/leds/off',
            'message': ControlLeds,
            'kwargs': {
                'queue_size': 10
            'name': 'ledfreez',
            'topic': '/roboy/control/matrix/leds/freeze',
            'message': ControlLeds,
            'kwargs': {
                'queue_size': 1


To SonoscoROS1 you can also pass two additional parameters, namely:

default_asr_interface: SonoscoASR
default_audio_interface: SonoscoAudioInput

Those will be registered in default callback handling incoming requests:

audio = self.default_audio_interface.request_audio()
return self.default_asr_interface.infer(audio)

You can also use custom callback per subscriber, in this case you have to handle the request yourself (the default ASR and audio interfaces are ignored):

def custom_callback(request, publishers):
    msg = ControlLeds()
    msg.mode = 2
    msg.duration = 0
    with MicrophoneClient() as audio_input:
        audio = audio_input.request_audio()
        transcription = asr.infer(audio)
    return transcription

List of publishers specified in the config is passed to every callback.

Example of ROS1 server usage can be found here Take a look at and