Train your first model

In the following we will give you a short tutorial how to train the Listen Attend Spell model.

First of all, it is required to have some data. For that simply download one of the publicly available datasets using one of our scripts, see the Data Section download .

In the next step, create a config.yaml file, that contains the following:

  experiment_path: "path/to_directory/where/experiment/is_stored"
  experiment_name: 'getting_started_w_las'
  gloabl_seed: 1234

  train_manifest: "path/to/train_manifest.csv"
  val_manifest: "path/to/val_manifest.csv"
  test_manifest: "path/to/test_manifest.csv"
  batch_size: 4
  num_data_workers: 8

  max_epochs: 10
  learning_rate: 1.0e-3
  test_step: 1
  checkpoint_path: 'path/to/checkpoint_dir_in_experiment'
  window_size: 0.02
  window_stride: 0.01
  window: 'hamming'
  sample_rate: 16000

    input_size: 161
    hidden_size: 256
    num_layers: 1
    dropout: 0.2
    bidirectional: True
    rnn_type: "lstm"

    embedding_dim: 128
    hidden_size: 512
    num_layers: 1
    bidirectional_encoder: True
    vocab_size: 28
    sos_id: 27
    eos_id: 26

Under ‘experiment_path’ all your code, logs and checkpoints will be saved during training. Further a global seed per experiment can be set. Under ‘data’ the manifest files for the data need to be specified, together with batch size and the amount of workers for the dataloader. ‘training’ contains the maximum epochs to be trained, the initial learning rate, the labels, i.e. characters the model is trained on and test_step is the step in an epoch, where validation is performed.

‘model’ contains parameters for the model to be trained, in this case, the LAS model requires parameters for its encoder and decoder.

Let’s setup the logger:

import logging

In order to start training, we first need to import all required functions:

import torch
from sonosco.common.path_utils import parse_yaml
from sonosco.datasets import create_data_loaders

from import Experiment, ModelTrainer
from sonosco.serialization import Deserializer
from sonosco.decoders import GreedyDecoder
from sonosco.models import Seq2Seq

from import word_error_rate
from import character_error_rate
from import cross_entropy_loss

Let’s load the created .yaml file and create the dataloaders:

config = parse_yaml('path/to/config.yaml')
device = torch.device("cpu")
train_loader, val_loader, test_loader = create_data_loaders(**config['data'])

For the model trainer, we can create a dict, that is then just passed for initialization:

training_args = {
    'loss': cross_entropy_loss,
    'epochs': config['training']["max_epochs"],
    'train_data_loader': train_loader,
    'val_data_loader': val_loader,
    'test_data_loader': test_loader,
    'lr': config['training']["learning_rate"],
    'custom_model_eval': True,
    'metrics': [word_error_rate, character_error_rate],
    'decoder': GreedyDecoder(config['training']['labels']),
    'device': device,
    'test_step': config['training']["test_step"]}

With the following code, you can now easily start training and continue it:

experiment = Experiment.create(config, logging.getLogger())


if not CONTINUE:
    model = Seq2Seq(config['model']["encoder"], config['model']["decoder"])
    trainer = ModelTrainer(model, **training_args)
    loader = Deserializer()
    trainer, config = loader.deserialize(ModelTrainer, config['training']["checkpoint_path"], {
            'train_data_loader': train_loader,'val_data_loader': val_loader, 'test_data_loader': test_loader,
    }, with_config=True)

experiment.setup_model_trainer(trainer, checkpoints=True, tensorboard=True)

    if not CONTINUE:
except KeyboardInterrupt:

We now go through this snippet in detail: First, we set up the experiment and set the bool CONTINUTE=FALSE so that we start the training. We setup the modeltrainer with the las model and all the parameters we specified in the training_args` dictionary.

Now we register the modeltrainer to the experiment and start it.

The try-except block catches keyboard interuptions, where the experiment will then save the model checkpoint aswell as the model trainer. This serialized model trainer can then be used to continue training, just by setting the CONTINUE=True and rerunning the script. What happens now is, that the modeltrainer, that is saved at the path, specified in the config file, is deserialized and continues training.

That’s it ! You successfully train an LAS model.

For a more detailed description of each component, have a look at general description training of the model training process and its components.